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 Campaign Finance
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically Year Sort ascending Sort descending
$23 Million for 1952 Campaigns1953
$33 Million Reported Spent in Federal Election Campaign1957
1955 Political Spending Reviewed1955
1956 House Candidates Get $2.5 Million, Spend $2.9 Million1957
1960 Campaign Receipts and Spending Reported for 189 Groups1961
1962 Campaign Receipts and Spending Reported by 76 Groups1963
1963 Campaign Receipts and Spending Reported for 65 Groups1964
1964 Campaign Receipts and Spending Reported by 164 Groups1965
1965 Campaign Receipts, Spending Reported by 99 Groups1966
1966 Campaign Receipts and Spending Reported by 115 Groups1967
49 Groups Report Receipts of $5.6 Million in 19591960
Action on Campaign Finance Reform Limited to Closing Tax Loophole on ‘527’ PACs2000
Amount Groups Reported Spending1953
Bill Mandating Spending Limits for Political Action Committees (PAC) Postponed1985
Broad Campaign Finance Reform Bill Clears Senate1967
Bush Rejects Campaign Finance Legislation1992
Campaign Finance Bill Rejected1996
Campaign Finance Bills Compared1993
Campaign Finance Bills Target 527s2005
Campaign Finance Comes Close2001
Campaign Finance Measure Stalls2010
Campaign Finance Overhaul Dies1994
Campaign Finance Probe Fizzles1997
Campaign Financial Disclosure Has Some Friends But Many Enemies2016
Campaign Financing1962
Campaign Funds, Financial Disclosures1970
Campaign Gift Probe1956
Campaign Law Overhaul1979
Campaign Spending1956
Campaign Spending Investigation1952
Campaign Spending Reporting1972
Campaign Spending Survey1956
Campaign Spending: House Approves Compromise, 334-201972
Campaign Spending: Major Reform Bill Neared Passage1971
Campaign Subsidy Bill Approved by Senate Committee1967
Campaign-Ad Costs1989
Candidates, Committees Report $18.4 Million Spent in The 1962 Elections, Actual Spending Near $100 Million1963
Changes made in Campaign Finance Laws1966
Congress Clears Campaign Financing Reform1974
Congress Restores Investment Tax Credit for Business; Suspends Operation of Presidential Campaign Fund Law1967
Contributions of $500 or More to House Candidates in 19601961
Contributions of $500 or More to House Candidates in 19621963
Contributions of $500 or More to House Candidates in 19641965
Contributions of $500 or More to Senate Candidates in 19601961
Contributions of $500 or More to Senate Candidates in 19621963
Contributions of $500 or More to Senate Candidates in 19641965
Corrupt Practices Probe1956
Court Decision Forces New Campaign Law1976
Court Upholds Campaign Law2003
Election Reforms: Delay and Defeat1977
Federal Election Commission (FEC) Adopts Spending Regulations1994
Federal Election Reform1973
Filibuster Halts Campaign Finance Bill1997
Finance Battle Shifts to the Courts2002
House Candidates' Contributions, Spending1953
IRS Commissioner Koskinen Again Spared Impeachment Vote2016
McCain-Feingold Campaign Financing Bill Proves Dead on Revival1998
Message to Congress: Johnson on Campaign Financing1967
Message to Congress: Kennedy Urges Election Finance Changes1963
No Progress on Campaign Finance1995
PAC Contribution Limits1979
PAC Spending1980
Parties Still Far Apart On Campaign Finance1989
Partisan Divisions Kill Campaign-Finance Bill1988
Partisanship Dooms Campaign Bills1990
Politcal Groups Spent $4.7 Million in 19571958
Political Action Committee (PAC) Spending Limits1986
Political Committee Spending, Receipts1955
Political Groups Spent $8.7 Million in 19581958
President Proposes Election Reform Bill, Requires Full Disclosure of Contributions and Income1966
President Urges Election Finance Changes1962
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Campaign Financing1974
Proponents Seek New Strategy After Filibuster Again Kills Campaign Finance Overhaul1999
Provisions of Campaign Finance Law2003
Public Campaign Funds1979
Public Financing, Campaign Spending Bills1978
Receipts, Spending of House Candidates1959
Receipts, Spending of Senate Candidates1959
Record $25.4 Million Spent in 1966 mid-Term Elections1967
Record $47.8 Million Reported Spent in 1964 Elections1965
Republicans Seek to Impeach IRS Commissioner Koskinen2015
Rules Committee Kills Campaign Finance Reform Bill1968
Senate Campaign Spending1955
Senate Candidates' Contributions, Spending1953
Senate Shelves Campaign-Finance Legislation1987
Senate Twice Votes Campaign Financing Reform1973
State Breakdown of $1,000 Donations in 19581958
State Breakdown of $1,000-or-More Donations in 19571958
State Breakdown of $900 or More Contributions in 19591960
State Breakdown of Political Spending1955
The Struggle for Campaign Finance Reform1993
Two Campaign Finance Bills Passed1991
What It Cost to Elect 81st Congress1949
What It Cost to Elect 82nd Congress1951
Where Labor Money Went in 1958 Campaign1958