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 Health, Education, Human Services, Welfare and Social Policy
   Document Name Sort ascending alphabetically Sort descending alphabetically
Abortion Amendment
Action Programs Extended
Aid to Day Care Centers
Aid to Higher, Vocational Education Revised
Aid to Libraries
Alcohol Abuse
Arthritis, Diabetes Research
Child Nutrition Programs
Clinical Lab Standards
Congress Passes Major Health Manpower Bill
Disease Control
Drug Abuse Office
Education and Science 1976: Overview
Education Block Grants
Efforts to Revise Food Stamp Program Fail
Ellender Fellowships
Emergency Medical Care
Food Stamp Program Chief
Food Stamp Vendors
Ford Busing Legislation
Health Block Grants
Health Maintenance Groups
Health Policy 1976: Overview
Health Research Programs
Heart-Lung-Blood Programs
HEW Inspector General
Indian Health Programs
Jobs Funds, Swine Flu
Medical Device Regulation
Medical Research Practices
Medicare Amendments
National Health Insurance
Presidential Statement: Ford on Busing Legislation
Presidential Statement: Ford on Programs for Elderly
Presidential Statement: Ford Proposes Education Block Grants
Presidential Statement: Ford Proposes Health Block Grants
Presidential Statement: Ford Proposes Social Services Block Grants
Presidential Veto Message: Ford Vetoes Additional Retirement Benefits for Employees of Bureau of Indian Affiars and Indian Health Service
Presidential Veto Message: Ford Vetoes Appropriations Bill for the Department of Labor and Department of Health, Education and Welfare
Presidential Veto Message: Ford Vetoes Day Care Funding
Presidential Veto Message: Ford Vetoes First Jobs Bill
Presidential Veto Message: Ford Vetoes Second Jobs Bill
Rehabilitation Act Extension
Social Services Block Grants
SSI Program Changes
Swine Flu Liability
Veto of Labor-HEW Funds Bill Overridden
Welfare Policy 1976: Overview