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 Health, Education, Human Services, Welfare and Social Policy
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1970 Labor-HEW Funds Approved After 8 Months Delay
Animal Quarantine
Anti-Cancer Drive
Campus Unrest
Communicable Diseases
Community College Act
Comprehensive Drug Control Bill Cleared By Congress
Congress Clears $19-Billion Labor-Hew-Oeo Funds Bill
Congress Clears Three School Lunch Measures
Congress Passes Community Mental Health Legislation
Contraceptive Materials
D.C. Drug Control
Drug Abuse Education
Drug Abuse Prevention
Drug Industry
Dry Cereals
Economics of Aging
Education Appropriations Bill Passed Over Veto
Education Funds Authorized After Desegregation Fight
Environmental Education
Equal Educational Opportunity
Equal Rights for Women Amendment Dropped in Senate
Ethnic Studies Center
Family Medical Practice
Federal Disaster Assistance
First Labor-HEW Funds Bill
Food Stamps
Head Start
Health Council
Health Insurance
Health Personnel Training
Hearings on Hunger and Health
Higher Education
Hospital Construction: Presidential Veto Overridden
Hospital Costs
Impacted School Aid
Indian Education
Indian Land Problems
Indian Loans
Indochina War, Domestic Economy Remain Top Problems
Lead Paint Poisoning
Libraries Commission
Library Construction
Medical Libraries
Medical Programs Extension
Medicare Nursing Service
Medicare-Medicaid Administration
Mental Retardation
Migratory Workers' Health
National Health Insurance
National Health Service Corps
Pharmaceutical Trade
Population Control: Increased Federal Concern
Preschool Training
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Dissapproves of Family Medical Practice Bill
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Disaster Relief, 1970
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Higher Education
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Reorganization of American Indian Programs
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Requests Funds for School Desegregation
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Urges More Action by Congress
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Education Message
Presidential Veto Message: Nixon Gives 4 Reasons for veto of Labor-HEW Bill
Public Health Schools
Relocation Assistance
Rights of Mentally Ill
Salmonella Outbreak
School Desegregation: Back to the Courts in 1970
Second Labor-HEW Funds Bill
Senate Blocks Passage of Emergency School Aid Bill
Social Planning Council
Social Security Bill Caught in End-of-Session Squeeze
Treatment For Alcoholism
Veterans' Hospital Care
Vocational Rehabilitation
Welfare Reform: Disappointment for the Administration