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1981 - 97th Congress, 1st Session
Chapter 5 - Budget and Appropriations
Document Name
Select cqal81-1172548
$12.5 Billion Energy-Water Bill Cleared
Select cqal81-1172528
2nd Continuing Resolution: 1st Reagan Veto
Select cqal81-1172678
3rd Continuing Resolution
Select cqal81-1172887
Agriculture Appropriations
Select cqal81-1172382
Budget and Appropriations 1981: Overview
Select cqal81-1172469
Congress Votes Fiscal 1981 Funds, Rescissions
Select cqal81-1172490
Congress Votes Itself New Pay Benefits
Select cqal81-1172508
District of Columbia Funds
Select cqal81-1172437
Final Carter Budget Sets Challenge for Reagan
Select cqal81-1172387
First Budget Resolution Follows Reagan Plan
Select cqal81-1172511
First Continuing Resolution: Oct. 1-Nov. 20
Select cqal81-1172403
Fiscal 1982 Reconciliation Cuts: $35.2 Billion
Select cqal81-1172694
HUD, Agencies Funds
Select cqal81-1172848
Interior Appropriations Cleared by Congress
Select cqal81-1172686
Labor-HHS-Education Funds
Select cqal81-1172765
Money Bill Adds $9 Billion for Defense
Select cqal81-1172719
Reagan Backing Helps Foreign Aid Bill
Select cqal81-1172585
Reagan Defense Plan Given Final Approval
Select cqal81-1172455
Reagan Seeks Sharp Cut in Federal Role
Select cqal81-1172566
Reduced Military Construction Abroad in 1982
Select cqal81-1172427
Second Resolution: Strictly ‘Pro Forma’
Select cqal81-1172820
State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations
Select cqal81-1172802
Transportation Funds
Select cqal81-1172786
Treasury/Post Office Funds