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1971 - 92nd Congress, 1st Session
The Appendix
Document Name
Select cqal71-869-26695-1252317
1970 Legislative Reorganization Act Has Little Impact
Select cqal71-869-26695-1252300
Nixon's 1971 Requests: Only 20 Percent Approved
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254863
Nixon's Statement on Congress
Select cqal71-869-26695-1252305
Presidential Boxscore For 1971
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254920
Presidential Budget Message: Nixon's Fiscal 1972 Budget
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255219
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Consents to Reversion of Okinawa to Japan
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254947
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Draft Reform
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255187
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Drug Control Programs
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255225
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Economic Policy
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254953
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Executive Management
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255141
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Funds for Education
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254996
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Health Insurance
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254938
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Labor Dispute
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255163
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Legal Services
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254866
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Legislation
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255197
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Minority Enterprise
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255207
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Private Pension Plan
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254917
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Rail Strike
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254956
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Revenue Sharing
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255087
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Rural Development
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255148
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on The District of Columbia
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255100
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Transportation Funds
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255216
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Welfare Reform
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254853
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Presents 'Six Great Goals': Stresses Welfare Reform and Stabilization of the Economy
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255173
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Proposals for Adequate Supply of Clean Energy
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255124
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Proposes Government Reorganization
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255059
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Requests Revenue for Manpower
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255073
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Requests Revenue for Urban Aid
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255050
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Urges Sharing Revenue for Crime-Fighting
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255015
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Consumer Message
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254941
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Economic Message 1971
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255008
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Education Message
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255026
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Foreign Policy Report
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255154
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Message on Foreign Aid Reorganization
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255116
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Message on Volunteers
Select cqal71-869-26707-1254975
Presidential Statement to Congress:Nixon's 1970 Environment Message
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255222
Presidential Statement: Nixon on Busing of Schoolchildren
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255170
Presidential Statement: Nixon on Wilderness Preservation
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255210
Presidential Statement:Nixon Broadcast on Vietnam
Select cqal71-869-26707-1255194
Presidential Veto Message: Nixon Vetoes Public Works