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 Health, Education, Human Services, Welfare and Social Policy
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Aid to Education of Handicapped Approved
Biomedical Research
Busing Foes Urge Constitutional Amendment
Child Support Payments
Community Action Funds
Congress Overrides Health Services Veto
Congress Overrides School Lunch Veto
Day Care Center Staffing
Developmental Disabilities
Disease Control Programs
Drug Abuse Prevention
Drug Regulation
Education and Science, 1975 Overview
Food Stamp Eligibility
Food Stamp Price Hike
Health Care for Unemployed
Health Policy, 1975 Overview
House Bill Eases HMO Requirements
Indian Health Care
Malpractice Insurance
Medicare Amendments
Medicare Hearings
National Health Insurance
Older Americans Act
Possible Health Manpower Compromise Seen
Presidential Budget Message: Seventeen Ford Veto Messages
Presidential Statement: Ford's Food Stamp Program
Presidential Statement: Ford's Food Stamp Reform
Presidential Statement: Ford's Message on Crime Control
Reading Improvement
Rehabilitation Act
Safety of Medical Devices
Sex Discrimination Rules
Social Security
Social Security Amendments
Summer Feeding Program
Welfare Policy, 1975 Overview