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 Energy and Environment
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$12 Billion Energy, Water Funds Bill Cleared
Alaska Energy ‘Swap’
Alaska Railroad Bill Vetoed
Auto Mileage Standards
Campeche Bay Oil Spill
Coal Conversion
Coal Gasification
Coastal Zone Management Revamped
Congress Clears ‘Superfund’ Legislation
Congress Clears Alaska Lands Legislation
Congress Fails to Set Nuclear Waste Policy
Deep Seabed Mining Cleared by Congress
Desalination Plant
DOE Authorization Bill
Drinking Water Deadlines
Endangered Species Funds
Energy 1980: Overview
Energy Mobilization Board Proposal Killed
Energy Planning Grants
Environment 1980: Overview
EPA FY 80 Research Funds
EPA FY 81 Research Funds
EPA Noise Control Programs
EPA Powers Over Illegal Dumping Increased
Federal Pesticides Rules
Fish and Wildlife Grants
Fish and Wildlife Protection
Gasoline Rationing Plan
Heating, Cooling Limits
Industrial Cost Recovery Provision Repealed
Kalaupapa Park Bill
Landmark Windfall Profits Tax Approved
Marine Protection Act
Methane Demonstration
N.Y. Nuclear Waste Removal
National Parks Bills Cleared
Natural Gas Pricing
NRC Authorizations
Nuclear Fusion Program
Nuclear Safety Research
Ocean Thermal Energy
Oil Shale Lands Leasing
Pacific Northwest Power
Presidential Address: Reagan to Congress on Iran Hostage Rescue Mission
Presidential Statement: Carter Approval of Nuclear Fuel for India
Presidential Statement: Carter Proposal for Utility Coal Conversion
Presidential Statement: Carter's Gasoline Rationing Plan
Presidential Statement: Carter's NRC Reorganization Amendments
Presidential Statement: Carter's Nuclear Waste Program
Rare II Wilderness Bills
Recycled Motor Oil
Scenic Trails and Rivers
Sea Grant Program
Strip Mining Amendments
Synfuels Directors Get Recess Appointments
Synthetic Fuels Program
Toxic Substances Control Act
Water Policy Reform
Water Research Extension
Western Water-Use Reform Bill Dies in House
Wind Energy Systems