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October 15, 2024
Q & A
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Select qar60623
Are today's White House and Capitol the original buildings?
Q & A
Select qho60254
How is the executive branch organized?
Q & A
Select qho60669
How many Nixon officials went to jail as a result of Watergate?
Q & A
Select qho60255
How many people work in the Executive Office of the President?
Q & A
Select qho60622
How many rooms does the White House have?
Q & A
Select qwh60253
What does the president get paid?
Q & A
Select qwh60661
What happened in the Belknap scandal?
Q & A
Select qwh60664
What happened in the Iran-Contra affair?
Q & A
Select qwh60668
What happened in the Watergate scandal?
Q & A
Select qwh60670
What happened in the Whiskey Ring scandal?
Q & A
Select qwh60257
What is the National Security Council?
Q & A
Select qwh60252
What is the presidential oath of office?
Q & A
Select qwh60666
What was the Lewinsky scandal about?
Q & A
Select qwh60667
What was the Teapot Dome scandal?
Q & A
Select qwh60671
What was the Whitewater scandal about?
Q & A
Select qwh60618
When was the White House built?
Q & A
Select qwh60621
When were the modern conveniences added to the White House?
Q & A
Select qwh60673
Which cabinet members have been convicted of crimes?
Q & A
Select qwh60672
Which cabinet members have taken the Fifth Amendment?
Q & A
Select qwh60250
Which presidents and vice presidents served when?
Q & A
Select qwh60251
Who are considered the greatest presidents?
Q & A
Select qwh60256
Who are the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Q & A
Select qwh60619
Who named the White House?
Q & A
Select qwh60249
Who thought of the names president and vice president?
Q & A
Select qwh60620
Who was the only president who did not live in the White House?
Q & A
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