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 Health, Education, Human Services, Welfare and Social Policy
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$3.9-Billion Authorization for Public Works
Action Agency: Peace Corps, Vista Merged in New Unit
Action on Desegregation AID Stalled for Second Year
Barbiturate Abuse
Biomedical Research
Black Lung Disease
Blue Cross Insurance
Cancer Research: $1.59-Billion for Three-Year Program
Child Nutrition
Civil Rights Commission
Congress Approves $5.1-Billion for Office of Education
Copyright Law Extension
D.C. Sickle Cell
Dental Health
Dependents' Benefits
Disaster Relief Act Amendments
Drug Abuse Control: Senate Approves $1.7-Billion
Drug Abuse Funds
Drug Abuse Prevention
Drug Listing Act
Drug Treatment in Prisons
Drugs in The Military
Education Financing
Education Revenue Sharing
Emergency 1971 Funds: $1-Billion for VA, Disasters
Equal Educational Opportunity
Federal Drug Purchasing
Foreign Service Scholarships
Health Insurance: Hearings on New Proposals
Health Manpower: $2.9–Billion for Fiscal 1972–1974
Health Pocket Veto Challenge
Health Scholarships
Health Service Hospitals
Heroin Addiction
House Passes Welfare Reform, Senate Delays Action
HUD, VA, NASA, Other Agencies: $18.3-Billion for 1972
Hunger Hearings
Hungry People
Immigration Bills
Indian Education
Institute of Education
International Drug Traffic
Laguna Pueblo
Major Aid-to-Education Bill Held Over Until 1972
Maritime Authorization
Methadone Program
Military Medical School
Mood Drugs
National Policy on Indians
Navajo College
Nurses Training Programs
Nutrition for Aged
OEO, Child Care Program: Veto Sustained in Senate
Pep Pills And Drivers
President Vetoes $5.7-Billion Public Works Bill
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Drug Control Programs
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Funds for Education
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Health Insurance
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Legislation
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Minority Enterprise
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Private Pension Plan
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Rural Development
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon on Welfare Reform
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Presents 'Six Great Goals': Stresses Welfare Reform and Stabilization of the Economy
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon Requests Revenue for Urban Aid
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Education Message
Presidential Statement to Congress: Nixon's Message on Volunteers
Presidential Statement: Nixon on Busing of Schoolchildren
Presidential Veto Message: Nixon Vetoes Public Works
Private Pension Plans
School Lunch Authorization
School Lunch Programs: Minimum Aid Level Set
School Prayer Amendment: House Vote Defeats Move
Sickle Cell Anemia
Social Security: 10-Percent Increase; Debt Raised
Summer Food Programs
Veterans Medical Care
Veterans' Drug Treatment
Vocational Education